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Art for Peace is a collaborative challenge between the Global Innovation Field Trip and Wonderfully Made Kids, providing students from across the world a platform to promote a peaceful world through their artwork. 

Coinciding with World Art Day (April 15) and World Creativity & Innovation Week (April 15-21) this initiative will showcase student’s submissions at the April 23-24 Global Innovation Field Trip. 

Who is eligible to participate?  K-12 students from all around the world age are encouraged to participate. 

How will students participate? Students may use any artistic medium to create their art. Following are some examples of possible submissions. 

  • Image – can be an image of anything you have created that promotes a peaceful world, such as a painting, drawing, sculpture, craft, etc. (image format must be PDF, jpeg or png).
  • Video (30 second maximum) – can be stop motion animation, a song, dance, poem, monologue, infomercial, public service announcement, etc. (video format must be a YouTube or Bilibili link set to public)
  • Sound Recording (30 second maximum) – can be a song, poem, monologue, infomercial, public service announcement, etc.  (sound format must be mp4 or wav)
  • Other Media – Just because it is not on this list does not mean you cannot submit it. As long as the end result is submitted by photo, video or sound recording and promotes a peaceful world we would love to include it!
  • All submissions must be family friendly. 

What is the deadline to participate? Submissions must be received through the form below no later than April 4th to be considered eligible to participate.

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