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GIFT Presenter Registration Portuguese
How did you hear about the Global Innovation Field Trip?
Internet Search
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Conference or Trade Show
Full Name of Person Completing Form:
The GIFT presenter can be any age, but the person completing this form must be 18 years old or older
Person Completing Form Is:
Program Leader
Presenter who is 18 years old or older
Email Address of Person Completing Form
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Phone Number of Person Completing Form
Individual or Team Presentation?
Individual Presentation
Team Presentation
Total Number of Presenters (if more than 10 complete a second form)
Presenter's Full Name
This Presenter is:
Under 18
18 or Older
Organization Name (If Applicable)
State, Province, Territory, Prefecture, Republic or Region
Grade Level (or equivalent) – If Applicable
Email Address (Parent's if under 18)
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Presenter 2
Presenter 2 Full Name
Presenter 2 Country
Presenter 2 State, Province, Territory, Prefecture, Republic or Region
Presenter 2 Grade Level (or equivalent) – If Applicable
Presenter 2 Organization Name (If Applicable)
Presenter 2 Email Address (Parent's if under 18)
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Presenter 3
Presenter 3 Full Name
Presenter 3 Country
Presenter 3 State, Province, Territory, Prefecture, Republic or Region
Presenter 3 Grade Level (or equivalent) – If Applicable
Presenter 3 Organization Name (If Applicable)
Presenter 3 Email Address (Parent's if under 18)
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Presenter 4
Presenter 4 Full Name
Presenter 4 Country
Presenter 4 State, Province, Territory, Prefecture, Republic or Region
Presenter 4 Grade Level (or equivalent) – If Applicable
Presenter 4 Organization Name (If Applicable)
Presenter 4 Email Address (Parent's if under 18)
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Presenter 5
Presenter 5 Full Name
Presenter 5 Country
Presenter 5 State, Province, Territory, Prefecture, Republic or Region
Presenter 5 Grade Level (or equivalent) – If Applicable
Presenter 5 Organization Name (If Applicable)
Presenter 5 Email Address (Parent's if under 18)
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Presenter 6
Presenter 6 Full Name
Presenter 6 Country
Presenter 6 State, Province, Territory, Prefecture, Republic or Region
Presenter 6 Grade Level (or equivalent) – If Applicable
Presenter 6 Organization Name (If Applicable)
Presenter 6 Email Address (Parent's if under 18)
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Presenter 7
Presenter 7 Full Name
Presenter 7 Country
Presenter 7 State, Province, Territory, Prefecture, Republic or Region
Presenter 7 Grade Level (or equivalent) – If Applicable
Presenter 7 Organization Name (If Applicable)
Presenter 7 Email Address (Parent's if under 18)
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Presenter 8
Presenter 8 Full Name
Presenter 8 Country
Presenter 8 State, Province, Territory, Prefecture, Republic or Region
Presenter 8 Grade Level (or equivalent) – If Applicable
Presenter 8 Organization Name (If Applicable)
Presenter 8 Email Address (Parent's if under 18)
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Presenter 9
Presenter 9 Full Name
Presenter 9 Country
Presenter 9 State, Province, Territory, Prefecture, Republic or Region
Presenter 9 Grade Level (or equivalent) – If Applicable
Presenter 9 Organization Name (If Applicable)
Presenter 9 Email Address (Parent's if under 18)
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Presenter 10
Presenter 10 Full Name
Presenter 10 Country
Presenter 10 State, Province, Territory, Prefecture, Republic or Region
Presenter 10 Grade Level (or equivalent) – If Applicable
Presenter 10 Organization Name (If Applicable)
Presenter 10 Email Address (Parent's if under 18)
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Presentation Information
How Would You Like to be Introduced (50 word limit)
Title of Presentation
Short Description of Presentation. (50 word limit)
Would you be interested in a 10 or 20 minute presentation session? (We will try to accommodate your request, but there are no guarantees.)
10 Minute Presentation
20 Minute Presentation
Time Zone (of person completing this form)
Indicate what time of day in your time zone you would like to present (Select all that you are available).
Select All
By completing this registration and/or participating in this event, you agree to the following Photographs and Media CONSENT:
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Consent Form