Institute of Inventors and Innovators in South Africa
The Institute of Inventors and Innovators supports independent inventors and innovators of all ages everywhere! Our mantra is that we are a HOME for Inventors, RUN by Inventors, SUPPORTING Inventors.
Our focus is on member services and, starting with our website, It’s full of goodies to help you! Be sure to visit our Young Inventors page or follow the links to Inventors Resources, there’s a lot there too. Our Inventors Club invites you to join us, at no cost, to listen to a fine array of speakers who generously share their knowledge or if you’ve got an idea and don’t know what to do next, Pitch it to the Panel™ (PITTP) may suit you. Here an inventor, of any age and from any country, can pitch an invention idea to a Panel of specialists. Confidentiality is assured and Pitch-it sessions occur regularly.
Visit our website You are invited!