Heidi Hudicka, began her innovation adventure when she
was just 4 years old, creating a fashion clothing line for her
18” doll collection, desiring them to enjoy a truly unique
experience, unlike the clothes everyone else was buying in
stores. Heidi quickly became an expert in design,
developing a unique ability to inspire creative experiences
that her clients would truly love to be a part of. When Heidi
realized how much she was learning about the power of her
creativity, she teamed with her sibling Joey to create
LAUNCH!, an interactive board game designed to teach
grade-schoolers the vocabulary and fundamentals of
entrepreneurship. It was this special moment that sparked
their own launch of Fizzee Labs, and today through a
strategic partnership supporting NASA’s education goals,
these LAUNCH! Party Fun & Learning events are becoming a
National Competition Series! Reach out to Heidi.